The Union of Professional Storytellers of Greece (S.EP.AF.I.), was founded in May 2021. Responding to the continued deterioration of our working conditions, we, storytellers from all over Greece, have chosen to organize ourselves as a union and to fight for the recognition and dissemination of Storytelling as a professional activity.

The art of Storytelling has existed from the beginning of time and is the basis of human communication, intercultural dialogue and creative thinking. What is more, it is inextricably linked to the intangible cultural heritage of each and every country. Storytelling as Narrative Art embodies and expresses the imaginative and contemplative strength of language.  Professional storytellers practice the art of storytelling as primary or secondary professional activity to earn their livelihood in conjunction with other related professions in the field of art and culture.


By way of example, professional storytellers are employed in educational institutions, libraries, museums, art and culture venues, domestic and international festivals, by municipal and regional authorities, as well as in mental health and social welfare facilities.


Our Union has the following objectives:


  1. The official recognition of storytelling by the Greek State as an independent professional activity.
  2. To monitor, protect and defend the financial, artistic, social, insurance, pension, trade union and general professional interests, demands and rights of professional storytellers and storytellers in general.
  3. To protect, secure and uphold the right of professional storytellers members of our Union to receive fair and agreed remuneration from their employer, as well as to protect and uphold their intellectual property rights.
  4. To promote and contribute to the creation of permanent jobs for storytellers in both the public and private sector.
  5. To promote storytelling as an independent form of artistic expression.
  6. To promote solidarity relations between storytellers and members of related professions.
  7. To promote the professional growth and development of its members, as well as ensure that union members are informed and educated on matters related to the profession of storyteller and to promote research and knowhow.
  8. To pave the road for the advancement of storytelling training and to highlight the potential of using storytelling as an educational tool.
  9. To promote equality and peaceful coexistence, notwithstanding differences of gender, race, nationality, religion, etc., as well to uphold and defend the principles of democracy, social justice, freedom of speech and expression.
  10. To actively participate in a broad dialogue concerning the value and role of literature and the arts in Greece and abroad.
  11. To act as advisory structure in the field of storytelling for national, European and/or international institutions, including UNESCO and other competent authorities and institutions.
  12. To inform members, submit requests and/or get funding from European, international and/or local programmes related to or serving the Union’s objectives.